
Mountain wind, mountain mist,hoping nights would last longer, rooting for the circumstance with a closed fist. Gale gushing through my hair,magic of the mountains calling my name,people say this infatuation won’t last, in my heart I know I don’t care,the world will these menial things forget, but I shall dust them as they bloom inContinueContinue reading “Helpless”

Over me, Cascade.

A million days, a million nights,  A hundred thousand beautiful sights. Counting days, counting hours,  Indulging in our lowest devours. Walking hand in hand, kissing like there’s no tomorrow, sadly we didn’t know, here’s where the world ends, drenched in our own sorrow. Hands shake, acquaintances made, laughs shared and bodies collide, in a worldContinueContinue reading “Over me, Cascade.”