
Mountain wind, mountain mist,hoping nights would last longer, rooting for the circumstance with a closed fist. Gale gushing through my hair,magic of the mountains calling my name,people say this infatuation won’t last, in my heart I know I don’t care,the world will these menial things forget, but I shall dust them as they bloom inContinueContinue reading “Helpless”

Broken Doll

Photo by James Sutton on Am I a doll broken beyond repair? The glue isn’t holding on anymore. The polish is wearing out. My porcelain skin peeling off like weathered rocks. A perfect hairdo, now looks like the leftover grass in the wildfire. Rosy red cheeks are still red but for untethered reasons. TheContinueContinue reading “Broken Doll”

Into the Moors

Photo by Spencer Selover on Safe haven. I resided, I believed. mistaken or disappointed? This is getting worse. I am unable to breathe. A cold wave hits the shore but I crave warmth. Lights fade, visions blurred, stars fall. out for help, and in desperation, to you i call. Follow me into the cave.ContinueContinue reading “Into the Moors”